Increasing hit diversity with PharmScreen: A novel Virtual Screening approach. Antimicrobial discovery example

Enric Herrero (Pharmacelera)
Oscar Rey (Pharmacelera)

The identification of the correct molecular library is crucial in a hit identification campaign. And the selection of the appropriate tool to explore the chemical diversity contained in this library is essential. And here it is where PharmScreen can help you.

Join Enric Herrero, CTO at Pharmacelera, and learn how  PharmScreen, our proprietary virtual screening tool, can be used to mine the unexploited chemical space of your molecular libraries. Enric will show the technology capabilities with an antimicrobial discovery example.




Torre R, 4a planta, Despatx A05, Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB). C/ Baldiri Reixac 4-8 08028 Barcelona